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Heading into having my son I knew that I wanted to breastfeed. I knew that it was good for him and good for me but my knowledge of what I was heading into didn't really expand any further than that. I didn't read any books and so my only resources were google and my amazing older sister who helped guide me sooo much.

There are so many different products out there targeted at everything to do with breastfeeding from comforting pillows, pumping, storing milk, caring for your boobs, and so on. I wanted to write this post to hopefully help the next momma to be understand what you actually need. (everything mentioned is also linked below!)

I hope this can help your breastfeeding journey be an amazing one! So let's get into what you actually need!

1. Determination

Breast feeding has many ups and downs. I've experienced everything from mastitis, clogged ducts, oversupply, undersupply, to pain so the first thing you'll need when starting this journey is determination. You may need to try many different products, change your diet, adjust your water intake, or try many different positions before finding what works best for you! Every journey is different and breastfeeding is HARD WORK and determination is a necessity!

2. Breast Pump

When you're breastfeeding its important to have a little stash going in your freezer. It doesn't have to be big but I recommend having enough milk stored for a few feedings so your partner can help feed and bond with the baby while you get some much needed rest in those early days. Some people wait a couple weeks or even a month to begin pumping so that their body is regulated with the baby's needs. I, however, started pumping a week after he was born because my milk came in so fast and hard that I had to relieve the pressure. I've tried many different types of electrical pumps and manual ones but I always come back to the madela harmony manual breast pump. It's easy, I can manipulate my breast to get the most out, and its easy for on the go! Everybody is different so what works for me in this area may not be for you so I encourage you to explore your options and figure out what works best for you! Happy momma = Happy baby!


Contact your insurance provider to ask how to get ahold of yours!

3. Haaka manual breast pump

While I believe that different breast pumps are meant for different people and lifestyles, the Haaka manual breast pump is a one size fits all MUST HAVE. My favorite part is that you can use it while you feed your baby! All you do is suction it to the breast that you're not feeding and it'll catch the let down from that side! You can also suction it to yourself and take a hot shower- the hot water helps your milk flow and the water will not contaminate the milk because the suction prevents it from entering. This is also perfect for on the go! You don't need any electricity and there's no loud pumping noises so you can use this in the car, at friend or family's homes, literally anywhere!

4. Milk Storage Bags

A way to store that pumped liquid gold is a must and milk storage bags are the way to go. There are a million different kinds but I recommend that Lansinoh milk storage bags. These are pre-sanitized and have a double zipper to protect your precious milk. They hold up to 6 ounces of milk and can be pumped directly into from your pump with the right adapter which makes storage even easier with less clean up and helps save your time!

5. Nipple Cream

One product that I've found so much value in is this calendula salve. I tried different nipple creams before settling on this amazing product! You have to take care of yourself and do what you can to prevent dry, cracked nipples to make sure you can fully enjoy this connection with your baby! This salve is light and the best part- 100% natural so it is safe for you and your baby! I've not only used it as nipple cream but on scratches, bug bits, and diaper rashes. Pretty much anything skin related! Such a good buy with so many uses!

6. Nipple Pads

Immediately after my milk came in I was soaking bed sheets, bras, and shirts with my breast milk. Literally everything was drenched and so I found that nipple pads were a must have to help prevent those moments of wet circles through your shirt...picture mean girls but only instead of your shirt being cut its your boobs leaking. haha! There are many different products for this including reusable ones but these are the ones that I've loved using! As my milk regulated closer to his needs my need for these decreased but these are a must in the beginning of your journey.

7. Nursing bras

Your baby will need to nurse way too often to go without a nursing bra. The clips in the front give you easy access to whipping it out whenever, wherever! Here are my favorite, comfortable types of bras that I love at a reasonable price! I also have a couple with an underwire but I definitely recommend investing in ones without an underwire especially for immediately after baby is born. The wire can impede your milk supply/ flow and cause clogged ducts (I've been there) and you want to be comfortable during this time!

8. Breast feeding Pillow

This item for me is a must have especially in the earlier days. Yes, that baby is so tiny and light but the first weeks are spent with him attached to you and it is so important for you to figure out which positions work best and to be comfortable! I spent the first month of our journey using a normal pillow or non at all and I can't tell you how sore and stiff and uncomfortable I was and that made continuing to breastfeed very challenging! Once I got the boppy pillow, I was SO much happier! Strained muscles, aching backs, and sore arms are the last thing you need after just going through labor and delivery.

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